
class*, given_name, family_name, email_address, ldap_dn: str = '', employee_number: str = '', created: datetime.datetime = '01/01/1970 00:00:00', modified: datetime.datetime = '01/01/1970 00:00:00', name_prefix: str = '', name_suffix: str = '', deleted: bool, org_name: str = '', org_id: int = 0, security_realm: smartcloudadmin.enums.SecurityRealm = <SecurityRealm.NON_FEDERATED: 'NON_FEDERATED'>, time_zone: str = 'America/Central', job_title: str = 'Employee', mobile_phone: str = '0000000', work_phone: str = '0000000', home_phone: str = '0000000')

Bases: object

Represents an Organization within IBM Social CLoud.

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
str(x) Returns basic details about the Contact
given_name : str
First name of the contact.
family_name : str
Surname of the contact.
email_address : str
Login email address of the user.
ldap_dn : str
Users fully quantified domain name as it is in IBM SmartCloud’s LDAP server.
created : Datetime
Creation date for the Contact record.
modified : Datetime
Modification date for the Contact record.
employee_number : str
Organization supplied employee number.
name_prefix : str
Honorary title I.E. Mr. Ms. Dr.
name_suffix : str
Name Suffix I.E. Jr.
deleted : bool
Whether the Contact user still exists.
security_realm : SecurityRealm
Security configuration for the Contact.
time_zone : TimeZone
Timezone of the Contact.
job_title : str
Job title of the Contact.
mobile_phone : str
Mobile phone number to reach Contact.
work_phone : str
Work phone number to reach Contact.
home_phone : str
Home phone number to reach Contact.
classmethod from_json()